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Classroom Kit Lists

Biology Logo.png
Chemistry Logo.png
Physics Logo.png

Click on the unit name to access the kit lists. Units will only have a kit list linked once they are in field test status. 

B1: Ecosystems: Interactions & Dynamics - this unit does not have a kit


B2: Ecosystems: Matter & Energy


B3: Inheritance & Variation of Traits


B4: Natural Selection & Evolution of Populations


B5: Common Ancestry & Speciation

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This page includes access to draft OpenSciEd units that are currently part of a field test. While they are undergoing field testing, review, and revision, they remain the property of University of Colorado Boulder and its collaborators and licensors under copyright law. If you are a participant in the OpenSciEd field test or represent a partner state in the OpenSciEd project, University of Colorado Boulder grants you permission to download these materials and use them in your role in the OpenSciEd project. However, you may not share them with non-participants without prior permission from the OpenSciEd project. If you are not a field test participant or a collaborator in the OpenSciEd project, you must obtain written permission prior to viewing, downloading, or using these materials.

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